Naturally losing weight is a healthy and safe solution for weight loss. It generally includes making small tweaks to your diet, exercise routine, and lifestyle. In addition, when you're making little lifestyle changes with typical natural weight loss, you're more likely to continue these habits long-term. A combination of these factors can help you lose weight naturally and in a safe and healthy manner. Describe some of the best homemade ways:

1. Drink lemon-water daily: Put 5 teaspoons of lemon juice in a glass of lukewarm water. Take it twice a day. Lemon is rich in vitamin C while the water will help stabilize metabolism. This, in turn, will help in burning excess fat.

2. Don’t forget the banana: After you wake up in the morning, eat a banana and then drink a glass of lukewarm water. This speeds up your metabolism. The banana has potassium as well as fiber which promotes better digestion.

3. Walk daily: No matter how packed your daily schedule may be, you can take out 45 minutes to walk every day. You can quickly and easily lose your excess weight in a few months if you walk every day.

4. Get regular exercise: It is normal knowledge that exercise helps in weight loss. Some people know that exercise burns fat and build stronger muscles. It also helps strengthen your bones.

5. Wait for your stomach to rumble: This is the clearest instruction your body can give that it is hungry and ready for some food. Eating only when you are actually hungry will prevent emotional eating and stress-related overeating.

6. Put less food on your plate: Start small and build up. Firstly, remove some spoonfuls from your plate. Use a small plate while serving food. This will keep your appetite under control.

7. Watch yourself in a mirror while you eat: Seeing yourself while eating has been found to be a powerful disincentive to overeating. It will help remind you why you are trying to lose weight in the first place.

8. Avoid prepared food completely: Whether it is just an egg-roll or a bag of chips – it is time to stop. Such foods don’t just have excess sugar, spice, fructose or corn syrup, they also have preservatives and chemical additives.

9. Eat more veggies and protein: Focus on verdant, green vegetables like cabbage, spinach, and lettuce. They will help you get the daily required nutrients. For protein, look towards lightly-cooked chicken. Avoid red meat altogether because of its fat content.

10. Write down what you eat: Keep a diary where you note down what, how much and when you eat for a couple of weeks. This will give you a map of your diet. You will know exactly how much you are over-eating and which kinds of food are responsible for your extra weight. This will help you plan not just your future diet, but also your exercise routine.
